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Professor: Juhan-Peep Ernits

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University: Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
Course: Master seminar I

It's not OK to wait until the last minute to put in grades. A new term has begun and I have no idea what I got for the course. Not funny.


University: Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
Course: ITI8600

I find the lectures a bit boring (and yes, there's a lot of text on the slides, more pictures need to be added, especially when we are talking about different algorithms), but the practice I attended today was interesting and useful. Overall, he is a good professor.


University: Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
Course: ITI8600 Teadmispõhise tarkvaraarenduse meetodid

Loengud on igavad, kuna õppejõu räägib monotoonselt slaididelt maha, kus on tohutu palju teksti.



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